A great lesson that all ESL students are interested about is about the national parks in the United States.
Watch the 15 minute video and then do the exercise.
- Top 29 National Parks Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_lcVbePdLIE.
- Write down the descriptive adjectives. Take notice of any slang, idioms, and the speaker's pattern of speech, slurring, and the blending of words.
- Write a 4 to 5 sentence paragraph essay about the video.
- Intermediate Reading: https://www.nps.gov/liho/learn/education/upload/NP%20System%20and%20Service.pdf
- Advanced Reading: https://hiconsumption.com/2014/07/best-national-parks-in-america/
CLASS TIME: 50 minutes
1. Discussion Questions: https://esldiscussions.com/p/parks.html
2. Edit the essay in class using Google Docs. This makes it easier to explain your edits is also much easier than doing screen sharing on Skype.
3. Discuss the video together and talk about you would like to visit. Use descriptive words about the interesting parks.
4. Vocabulary: Vocabulary on page 5, however it is more enjoyable to learn the vocabulary during the reading time instead of going through and trying to memorize a vocabulary list.
5. Reading: Read story 1 or 2 depending on your level. Read each paragraph one at a time. Check for pronunciation, comprehension, descriptive wording, and for adjectives.
6. Summary: Have a conversation about the vocabulary and facts learned in the lesson.